Molera Alvarez Promotions
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What the “four1one” methodology means is out of every six posts, four of the posts should be about one type of content (such as educational or entertaining, content that is new and interesting), one post will be a soft promotion (news, event happening, or shared content), and one post will be a hard promotion with a call-to-action (download, RSVP for applicant day, self-serving post).
The idea of the “four1one” rule is to make sure we are varying our post content, thus keeping the information new and interesting, and not always posting on the same material.
# of Posts by Category over 56 days or 9 cycles of four1one require the following: (four) = 36 (1) = 9 (one) = 9
9 (1) Soft Promotions
9 (one) Hard Promotions
36 (four)
- 6 – Reminders
- 8 – Start a Conversation
- 4 – Pop Culture
- 4 – Educational
- 3 – Entertaining
- 3 – Holidays
- 2 – Inspirational
- 2 – Ask for Help
- 2 – Companies that Care
- 1 – Straw Poll
- 1 – Teachable Moment
- 1 – Animal Moment