Arizona Lodging and Tourism Association Hosts a Successful Day at the Capitol
Arizona Lodging and Tourism Association (AzLTA) held, as one legislator noted, “one of the best industry days I’ve ever been to,” led by Kim Sabow, AzLTA CEO and President. Ms. Sabow added, “I was thrilled by the turnout, both in the legislators who attended, as well as the number of AzLTA members who came to discuss the importance and positive impact we make for Arizona on a daily basis.”
Pictured above is Speaker pro Tempore, T.J. Shope, a strong advocate for Arizona’s tourism industry, posing with Arizona Coyotes’ mascot Howler.
Arizona Lodging and Tourism Association Hosts a Successful Day at the Capitol
Arizona Lodging and Tourism Association (AzLTA) held, as one legislator noted, “one of the best industry days I’ve ever been to,” led by Kim Sabow, AzLTA CEO and President. Ms. Sabow added, “I was thrilled by the turnout, both in the legislators who attended, as well as the number of AzLTA members who came to discuss the importance and positive impact we make for Arizona on a daily basis.”
Pictured above is Speaker pro Tempore, T.J. Shope, a strong advocate for Arizona’s tourism industry, posing with Arizona Coyotes’ mascot Howler.